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Today I want to share with you a phrase that I am using to ‘steer my life from’ so to speak, one that makes me feel optimistic and brave. I have always been creating my life from this perspective but hadn’t put a label to it, but then I saw this sentence which is now my ‘new mantra’.

But first off..


…’You are a ‘Bad Ass’ my friend’…


Maybe you are saying; ‘Of course I am Elizabeth!’.

Or maybe you are saying; ‘I don’t know about that, I’m not feeling much like a ‘Bad Ass’ today’.


Well even if you aren’t feeling it, YOU are!


Recognizing your unique worth was one key section of my on- line course- Passion Dream School (PDS) and it is something that is often difficult for women to do (with men not so much!).

Women today are so busy, juggling relationships and work and everything else, that it is a challenge to take the time out to reflect on our successes.

Instead of honouring our many accomplishments some of us move in the opposite direction and may brood about events in our life that did not go ‘perfectly’, and in the cases where we know we did well, we hold back from acknowledging our ‘wins’ as we don’t want to appear a show off.

If we scratch the surface we will discover a variety of societal and internal influences that hold us back from claiming our true ‘badass’ value, but ‘badasses’ we truly are!


A ‘Bad Ass’ Book! 


I just finished reading the book ‘YOU are a BADASS- How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life’ by Jen Sincero, and it is in this book that I found my new ‘mantra’.

I talked about this philosophy in the last module of the PDS course which was about taking ‘inspired action’.

I also wrote about Jen’s book recently on social media. here is what I wrote;


Passion Dream School Wrap Up Post




‘With Module 6 dropping last week, Passion Dream School, my 6 week on-line course about mentally and physically decluttering your life for more joy and peace is officially in the can!

Feedback from participants has been good with reports of enhanced clarity & more gorgeousness and appreciation in their lives. That is exactly what I was going for!

As I was releasing the modules week by week, I too was prompted to ‘do the work’ and from my own enhanced clarity and decluttered living space, that led to some big decisions in my world (more to come on that).

Module 6 of PDS, is about ‘taking inspired action’ and in this module I shared my new ‘mantra’ that I read in Jen Sincero’s inspiring book ‘You Are A BadAss’ (and I shared this advice this past Saturday with the Power Posse coaching group too).

The advice from the book is;


 ‘Just see what happens’.


I have been living from that philosophy for twenty years plus and now I have the words to go with my outlook, and in combination with the wisdom from my ‘higher self’, this motto has not steered me wrong!

From quitting my first professional job in order to go and work in Japan, to getting my advanced scuba diving ticket so I could overcome my fear of sharks (which culminated with doing a night dive at ‘shark point’ off the coast of Ko Phi Phi, Thailand), to marrying my husband months after we met on a blind date (a date set up by his lovely ex -wife), to walking down the aisle at 5 months pregnant, to raising a child with special needs, to quitting my ‘corporate type’ job and starting my own coaching business, it has all been a fabulous ride, the good times and the not so good times!

If YOU are feeling stuck or confused, or scared about taking action, check in with your body wisdom and if it feels right – ‘just see what happens’!


Today’s Take-Away


So todays take away is this;


You ARE a Bad Ass…



… and if you need to be reminded of this fact, find some alone time to sit in silence and consider your life’s accomplishments, the big and the small (even better if you can write them down!).

Think about how you have impacted the lives of those around you, the people you have helped and supported. What would their lives be like without your support? Your impact is greater than you know.


If you are feeling the tug to take some type of inspired action and you have done a gut check and it feels like a ‘Hell Yes!’ then go for it!



Just see what happens!




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