Got Dreams?
You have dreams right?
I’m sure you have goals for the near future and the far future. We all do.
And I hope you are making progress on these goals- that you are getting healthier, feeling fitter, are fulfilled in your career, that you are making good money at your job or business, have a great partner and are surrounded by a loving family – I want all these good things for you!
We are ALL deserving of these good things!
But I also know the reality.
How sometimes our dreams are NOT materializing, how we don’t feel like we are living the life we really want to be living, how we are not the vision of ourselves we want to be, and how this can make us feel bewildered and stuck.
It is when we are ‘spinning our wheels’ that we need a higher level of support, but the reality is most people don’t get it.
Sure if we are in crisis mode or are feeling blue we might pick up the phone and call our Mom or a close relative, or maybe we will mention something to a friend over coffee and our needs might get temporarily met but often that just doesn’t do it.
Life Moves Fast
People are busy right?
They have their own issues, their own families, their own worries and we don’t want to monopolize their time. I get it. I have been there.
That is what nudged me towards being a coach, because after my son’s diagnosis of Fragile X (and later autism) my wonderful family and friends could not truly meet my needs, no matter how hard they tried.
I needed to speak with people who had truly experienced what I had, that knew of the grief that comes with getting a life long diagnosis for a child you dreamed would have a ‘typical’ life.
That is how I found Martha Beck.
Life coach to Oprah and Maria Shriver and the coach (who along with her master coaches) ‘trained me up’ in this coaching field so to speak.
Martha got it -as she has a son with Down’s Syndrome. But she gets other things too because she has lived quite an interesting life (and continues to do so!). To find out more you will have to go read her books- highly recommended!
I can tell you this though about her though – she knows what it is like to go through the ‘ring of fire’ and come out the other side, and now I do too.
Maybe you have experienced the fire too and have lived to tell the tale?
Or possibly you are circling around the outside of the fire pit, stuck in a pre-contemplative loop but you know, your soul knows that you are going to have to ‘burn baby burn’ to create the life you desire.
So are you ready?
What I Know For Sure
What I know for sure is that six or so years ago when my life was burning down to the ground I needed to go deeper- I needed time, I needed consistency and I needed REAL support. Like get into my brain and create new thought pathways kind of support. (Not as scary as it sounds-promise!)
And I found it.
I found my tribe!
Training as a coach helped me coach myself through my sadness, through those whirlwind years of being a mom of small children when you are really only existing in ‘survival mode’…
….and through Martha’s life coach school I met women (and a few men too) who coached me and helped me – and it was wonderful! (for free! as part of the training!)
As kind and supportive as my family and friends were / are they could not offer the level of support that I needed at that time in my life and so for awhile, until I found my tribe, I really felt alone.
Power Posse ‘Make It Happen!’ Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want YOU to have cheerleaders around you, I want YOU to feel supported and inspired and motivated, I want YOU to have fun and really feel like you are in the flow of the magic of life because it isn’t suppose to be hard.
It is about realizing our dreams and living in joy.
‘Really Elizabeth?‘, you might be saying about now while giving me your best eye roll.
‘Amidst this traffic, my crazy workload, global warming, terrorism, the economy, US politics, sky high housing prices…I am suppose to be ‘floating in a magical river of joy’? Really?’
Yes really.
Achieving your dreams, freedom, joy, peace – all that good stuff is yours for the taking!
You. Can. Do. It.
Whatever the goal. No matter how big or audacious it seems.
But you gotta commit.
And I am here to help you do just that.
The Power Posse ‘Make It Happen!’ in-person group coaching event is kicking off at the end of May at a gorgeous farm/ winery in Langley and it is going to be FABULOUS.
This ‘kick butt’ goal setting program is going to give you the support you may have been lacking, it is going to give you the consistency you need to follow through on your actions, it is going to run for 7 months so there is time to get clear, go deep, and make REAL progress.
it is going to give you your TRIBE!
But it is all down to you.
If you are ready to get clear on what you want out of life, if you are ready to take action, if you are ready to turn your dreams into reality then click here to watch a short video of me spilling all the juicy details….you know good stuff like wine, vision boards, afternoon tea, roses, cooking class….!