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Today I am going to share with you why it’s been so long since my last newsletter, what had me feeling irritated of late, and all about getting into alignment. Are you aware of your own alignment? It is where the good stuff happens, source energy flows from it, your creativity abounds when you are tapped into it, it is the zone where dreams are made real. Keep reading to find out more!

On Being ‘Crispy’

First off, what has been going on since you last heard from me, is that post Christmas I was basically burnt out, crispy in fact!

During the fall months I had put my all into my consulting work, counselling practice, the SHINE FaceBook group challenges, and the creation of new videos for my YouTube channel, and I think that all that, coupled with a fabulous but very full holiday season, left me with zero impulse to create or do anything beyond the basics.

So I laid low over this past while and spent time doing things I hadn’t had a chance to do in awhile – like see friends and read books for fun!

(*Two great books I recently read below)

Reorganizing my closet, buying new lamps for the living room and hanging some pictures that were still in boxes from the renovations was also on my winter agenda.

Quiet progress.

Plans I had made pre Christmas were altered during these last two months as well.

Business wise I have completed a great new freebie and my new website is nearing completion (both coming soon!), but I decided to put my new counselling / coaching program I was planning for the new year on the back burner because I just don’t have the bandwidth right now. (And there are some other things I want to do first).

Out of the Flow

Life is good but the last couple of weeks I have been feeling out of alignment. The ‘ju ju’ just hasn’t been flowing and I wasn’t really sure why, it could be a number of things really.

For starters, my left shoulder has been bothering me since November, I need to alter my gym routine when I work out and I’m now seeing a physio for dry needling in hopes of improving it and let me tell you dry needling is not fun! 🙁

Then this past weekend we were up in Powell River for my younger sons hockey tournament and my eldest son got really ill (vomiting on the ferry ill – good times!) and the next day we had to rush him to emergency with a high fever and his feet turning blue!

(FYI- The doctors were baffled by the blue feet, we think maybe it was lack of circulation or temperature dip due to fever).

Then a few days later after we returned home, my other son got sick and he too ended up in emergency! and was diagnosed with a staph infection and is now on antibiotics.

So both boys have been home all week from school and between caring for them, getting my own work done and missing my gym workouts due to scheduling conflicts, well, let’s just say I was feeling I was feeling irritated and anxious.

And thats how I woke up today- out of alignment, irritated and anxious.

How Do You Know You Are Not in Alignment?

Your mood will tell you.

If your mood is low like mine was the last few days, that is a sign you are misaligned.

I can remember the last day I was really in the flow. I was getting work done at light speed, feeling creative, content and inspired, everything was falling into place and the world was working out for me.

I was like wow! this is F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.

And then I stepped out of that good energy.

Impatience, worry and doubt started to rise.

Getting Back Into Alignment

How to make things right?

You do stuff that makes you feel good.

Those things that brings you joy.

You don’t check items that you don’t want to be doing off your ‘to do’ list. You don’t fulfill obligations that your heart just isn’t into.

You look for the JOY and once you are feeling good the energy will start flowing and everything will be working out for you.

So that’s what I did today. I focused on feeling good.

The shot below is from this morning when I took myself for an early morning run at the beach, then out for coffee and some contemplative, kid free, obligation free time.

Siting at the coffee shop I mapped out all the fun things I want to do in the coming months. I made my way back into alignment.

Dang it works!

Move your body, do something fun and suddenly your entire outlook improves!

Taking time for myself helped me to get clear on what I want to focus on in the coming months.

And here they are:

  1. Increased and consistent exercise.
  2. Having more fun!

I have to acknowledge that I really haven’t been making exercise a priority of late, party due to being away and scheduling conflicts but it is time to regroup and bump ‘getting a sweat on’ up the priority list.

How to increase the ‘fun factor’. In the coming weeks we are hosting a ‘We Survived Our Renos’ party, heading to the States for spring break for a few days, I’ve got some ideas about a workshop I’d like to host (on alignment and manifesting!) , and I will be chatting with Steve some of the exciting things I want to do as a family this summer.

More fun, more flow and BIG audacious dreams.

So how is your alignment these days?

What are you dreaming about for the months ahead?

Do you have some clear intentions?

All the good stuff is yours for the taking…

…as long as you are FEELING GOOD!

Until next time my friend,



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