Hello! We will get to the New Year’s goals in one sec ok? But first a rant.
As I write this a massive crowd is gathering at the foot of Trump Tower in New York. It is like the peasants with the burning torches and pitchforks at the palace gates (and I say that with much love and respect for the peasants). My head has been spinning with the US inauguration and then the protests today but my husband and I are absolutely THRILLED by the turnout for these global marches- including a women’s march in Antarctica! (who knew there were even people in Antarctica!?)
Although many of us remain shaken by the choice of the new American president, I am feeling buoyed by the sight of hundreds and thousands of women marching today. I really do believe that this is the last gasp of the dying patriarchy and that great, positive changes are headed our way.
It may not have been Hilary Clinton’s time but she is our ‘grandmother warrior’ and the spark that she and others like her have ignited in all of us who are fed up with Trump’s attitude (and that of some of his supporters) towards women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, and his ‘let’s roll back the clock 70 years’ attitude in regards to US foreign policy in an era where we are basically a global village, well this spark will only grow BIGGER!
Ok on to our New Year’s goals and making them happen!
New Year’s Goals – Turn Your Fear into Fuel and Make Your Dreams Come True!
What I really wanted to chat with you about today is going after your dreams and I have a short video (at the bottom of this post) that I hope will support YOU in making your 2017 goals come true.
This past week I have focussed on mapping out my 2017 life and business goals (it takes more time than you think!) and as I was doing so I realized how good this process really is, and how, by making time for it and reviewing the past year thoroughly, you can glean so much insight! Insight that can then be used in the formulating of new goals.
Not A Goal Setter?
If you don’t think goal setting is important than you REALLY do need to watch this, because I believe that setting intentions and having big dreams is critical for a happy, fulfilled life.
Since I was a young girl I have been a goal setter and a goal getter, and generally whatever I set my mind to materializes in some way shape or form. I don’t think it is because I am anything special, but I do think it is because I am good at focussing on what I want, and I follow a process which I talk about in the video. This process has been refined over the years but the basic components and tools remain the same.
I hope you enjoy it (and I would love to hear your feedback!) and I hope you keep chasing your dreams!
To get Leonie’s planner grab it at – http://leoniedawson.com
To get Danielle’s planner go to- http://www.daniellelaporte.com/shop/
Happy Planning!