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Happy Holidays! Hope you have been having a wonderful Christmas / winter break with your loved ones. And in the spirit of the holiday season I have a gift for YOU, one that I am calling a ‘Decade in Review – a How To’.

Christmas Eve dinner at our house (Alsatian onion pie which was delicious!) – with my sister and her husband, and my parents
(I’m behind the camera).

In this short video I share a ‘decade in review’ process that I just completed myself yesterday, and it was powerful!

The exercise gave me increased clarity around my priorities, not just for the next year, but for the next TEN years. It also helped me to understand what my ‘game changers’ were and what I want to leave behind in the 2010’s!

You need to watch the video to fully get what I am speaking about here but regardless I’ll share my top 5 ‘Game changers’ of the last decade, so you can get a sense of what I learned through this ‘decade in review’ process. And by ‘game changers’ I am referring to the things I did / experienced these last 10 years that had some kind of personal impact on my life.

  1. Taking Personal Risks

Participating in activities that pushed me out of my comfort zone, things like quitting my job to spend more time with my young sons, starting my coaching / counselling business, running workshops, public speaking and co-facilitating a coaching retreat in Arizona.

2. Connections

Connecting with new neighbours after we moved, reconnecting with former friends through social media, making new connections with fellow coaches – like the time I travelled to Savannah, Georgia for a coaching conference (and I am still in touch with the friends I made there), and strengthening existing connections with family and friends. Without strong connections we don’t have much.

3. Having an outlet for my creativity

Making videos for my YouTube channel, writing pieces for newspapers and magazines, creating my newsletters to you, gardening, trying out new recipes in the kitchen, all of the above activities help me keep the creativity flowing and this is essential.

4. Travel!

After travelling to the UK and France this past summer I realized what power travel has, to shake up your world and enable you to look at life differently. It is so refreshing and recharging and I want more of it going forward!

4. Prioritizing Exercise

This ‘game changer’ was a surprise for me as I didn’t even think about it affecting my life in a major way. Not until I did this review that is. A few years I signed up with a new gym and committed to twice weekly small group workouts and it has been fabulous! This ‘sweat therapy’ has truly saved my bacon during some stressful times these last few years. I cannot envision my next decade without some similar consistent, commitment to my health.

Curious to find out what your ‘game changers’ are? Then check out the video below!

Just up on YouTube! Decade in Review

Decade in review – a personal wisdom map

In the video I share 6 key questions that will allow you to glean insights from your experiences of the last ten years, and then use this wisdom to create a transformational road map for your 2020s!

Click HERE to watch. I promise you if you follow the process in the video you will set yourself up for your next, best decade! 

Enjoy the rest of the holiday season and I wish much health and happiness to you and yours in the new year!



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