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This is a picture of a smiling Elizabeth wearing a dark shirt against a dark backdrop. She is holding one large pink dahlia flower that has white tips.
Love the September dahlias!

Hello my friend, are you enjoying September?

The weather has changed here and we have had some pelting rain of late but I’m totally into it. I was done with that summer heat! With the boys back in school and this cooler air I feel much more energized (I know I am totally going to regret saying that come November lol)

So earlier this week over in the Shine Facebook group I shared “Food For Thought” Mini Mission #2 – ‘Being Mindful of Thinking Errors’. But before we jump into this second mission I’ll share a few thoughts with you about Week 1- you may recall that the first mission was…

… ‘Mindful Eating’.

Have you tried giving your meal time more attention this past week?

I continued to work on being more present with the food I am taking in, to sit down at the table and enjoy what I am about to eat with no distractions. And sometimes this has been tough!

But I see the benefits, things like less overeating, fewer digestive issues from eating too fast, and enjoying my food more are just a few of the plusses- – so I am continuing with this practice.

A white plate on a wooden table. The plate contains red tomatoes, white mozzarella cheese, olives, cucumbers and salmon chunks.
Continuing to eat with attention – Mini Mission #1

Mini Mission No.#2!

Food For Thought” Mini Mission #2 (should you choose to accept it!) is… 

…”Being Mindful of Thinking Errors”.

‘Thinking Errors’ are also known as cognitive distortion fyi and we all succumb to these fairly often. 

When working with coaching or counselling clients I like to isolate a thinking error like “I am unlovable” and have the client really examine it to determine whether it is true or not.

Look For the Evidence

By examining it I mean looking for evidence to either support the thought or rule it out. Often we are thinking negative thoughts that are simply not true, and these thoughts in turn, affect our mood and how we interact with the world. 

So we are talking major implications here!

Also known as Cognitive Distortion

Have a look at this list above, see what ‘thinking error’ you may have a habit of falling into, and when you catch yourself in one, take some time and really check it out, looking for the evidence for and against, and if you need additional help (more objectivity) run your conclusion past someone you trust. 

The more you practice this (which in the counselling world is basically Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT) the stronger your mental fitness becomes and the harder it is to dislodge your positive mood. 

Any questions about this feel free to shoot me an email

That is it for me. I’m off to buy a new camera and equipment as I will be making some new videos for you very soon! So exciting!

See you next week for “Food For Thought” Mission #3!



PS You may see a few different headers to my emails to you in the next while as I am in the process of getting a new logo and website.

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