Do you have one thing in your life that you would like to eliminate for the next 30 days?
I do.
Processed carbs.
Post Easter chocolate, post Oliver’s birthday goodies, post ‘The Ultimate Vision Boarding Event’ when I ate too many of the scones my Mom baked for us (below), I am more than ready to ‘sharpen the saw’ and up my eating game!
How about you?
Are you feeling the need to rid yourself of…
…sugar, the often depressing nightly news, clutter, soda pop, over scheduling, smoking, skipping your workouts, too much coffee or alcohol, people pleasing, saying ‘yes’ when you’d rather say ‘no’, toxic people, scary books, movies and TV shows before bed….
If you do have something that you are doing, that isn’t serving the highest vision that you have for yourself, and it is weighing on you in some way, then I have a challenge for you!
It’s here!
‘The Eliminator Challenge’ starts Wednesday May 1st in the Shine Facebook group and I am challenging YOU to join us, and eliminate one thing from your daily life that is not benefiting you.
I found that the March ‘Shine Crazier’ Challenge was a great confidence / strength building boost for me, and others that participated in the SC challenge reported the same.
Eating a salad or veggies for lunch each day was my goal for the SC challenge, and for my gym’s March challenge I added tracking my food / liquid / exercise and completing 80% of my scheduled workouts (so I did two challenges at once for the month of March).
Staying the course for the thirty days made me feel proud that I had honoured this commitment to myself , it enhanced my perception of what I was truly capable of, and I felt better for it!
I ended up winning my gym’s challenge and got a $200 gift certificate to Casbah Spa! How cool is that!?
And for the SC Challenge, one of our lovely Shine participants who met her monthly goal, won two, $25 gift cards – one for Starbucks and one for Indigo.
Yay Melanie!
With a few ‘pass’ days thrown in…
I was messaging with one Shine member today and she said she wanted to do the challenge, but has May long weekend plans, so isn’t sure she can manage her daily goal for the full month.
I totally get this!
I am in a similar conundrum with a ‘girls get away’ scheduled for the May long weekend.
That got me thinking that for May, given it is a long month, we could add in 3 ‘pass days’ (I prefer ‘pass’ to ‘cheat’) for a total of 28 days of meeting our goal, giving us those 3 pass days to take the pressure off a bit.
What do you think?
Are you up for it?
If you have something you want to rid yourself of, and you feel you can keep a promise to yourself for the 28 days (and track your progress daily / submit to me at the end of the challenge) then come join us in the Shine FB group!
If we are not already connected, below is the link to my personal page, ‘friend me’ and let me know you would like to join the Shine group and I’ll send you an invite!
ALL women welcome, the more the merrier as I always say!
Let The Games Begin
So over the next two days I will be prepping for my ‘no processed carbs’ goal: boiling eggs, making mini quiches for breakfast, stocking up on rice cakes (I don’t consider those processed), chopping up veggies for lunch, looking at new carb free receipts that the whole family might like, meal planning…doing what I can to get mentally and physically prepared for May 1st.
And by the end of this challenge I will have proved to myself that I DO NOT need to snack on ‘Barbaras Cheese Puffs’ while watching ‘Game of Thrones’. (OMG episode 3 tonight … my head will be exploding! cannot wait!!!!!)
I hope you consider joining us in the ‘Eliminator Challenge’ and prove to yourself that YOU are capable of MUCH MORE than you think you are!
The Ultimate Vision Boarding Event
‘The Ultimate Vision Boarding Event was fab.
The ladies that signed up came, saw, enjoyed a mimosa, and best of all, they captured their visions!
Now they have a clearer idea of what is motivating them, added clarity and focus about where the want to go.
And I know more than one participant got some golden nuggets of insight that truly surprised them.
(That is what a guided mediation can do for you folks- your subconscious speaks to you!)
My vision board is here in my office with me, it is about half done, with some white space to add any new goals that I may aspire to in the coming months. Each time I look at it, it gives me a whoosh of joy and I gain inspiration and focus.
Alright time to get off the computer and get my hands dirty in the garden – bedding plants await!
I hope you join us in the Shine FB group…and you can find out what the May challenge prize is!)
AND I hope you throw your hat in the ring for the May ‘Eliminator Challenge’, and in so doing, take another step towards the higher vision that you hold for yourself.