Hola friend!
If you are from the US or Canada are you all ready for Halloween?
For those of you in the UK, Europe and elsewhere I know ‘All Hallow’s Eve’ isn’t such a big deal, but here in North America it seems a bigger spectacle every year.
At our home we have skeletons and ghosts dangling from the trees that line our front walk way, and loads of pumpkins courtesy of my Mom (who grows a big patch every year for the grandkids), and I was talked into getting the spooky hand that looks like it is climbing out of the ground.
This year Will is dressing up as Darth Vader, Oliver will be a magician (for his class party only as he isn’t keen to venture out to trick or treat and instead will hang out with me at our place and hand out candy) and our exchange student Ken is going as a wizard.
Now if only the rain holds off for the big night.
I put all things ghoulish on hold today as I was inspired to put together this video for you instead, and the theme of today’s post is abundance and it’s shadow side – lack.
In it I talk about the perception of lack (aka scarcity) particularly around money and love -two highly charged subjects, and I share with you some savvy words from a client and her words about dating and abundance.
As usual I’d love to hear any of your thoughts / comments on how you deal with anxiety around lack and bring more abundance into your world, so shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment below.
Happy Halloween and we will ‘see’ you (virtually anyways) in November!