With the last day of September upon us I am here with our final ‘Food For Thought’ Mini Mission for Week #4! Woot! And I have a new YouTube video for you too about the downside of being a perfectionist (scroll down for link).
Mini Mission #4 is…
…. ‘Being Mindful of Your Environment’ ???
I recently shared with the Shine FB group how my parents are gearing up to downsize and so have been giving me boxes of old stuff; letters, report cards from Grade 4, the yearbooks and photo albums that I stored in their crawlspace a couple of decades ago, all of which have now made the journey to our house and up to my office where I have been piling it up because I’m not sure what to do with the stuff.
Drowning in Stuff!
I was drowning in this clutter but didn’t even realize it, it had just become the new normal, until last week it hit me and I couldn’t stand it a minute longer! So I spent a good chunk of time over the weekend doing a major clean sweep ? of my office.
My husband put up some curtains, I added a few lamps and organized my files and book shelves ? and dumped a ton of boxes into Will’s old bedroom and new spare room (still to be dealt with unfortunately! lol).
And voila! it was like I had a new office! The clear surfaces and streamlined look felt amazing! My son came in to my office and said ‘this room seems so big now’ and I feel happier and calmer whenever I enter this space.
Clearing clutter has great energy behind it ? – and that is why it is the Mini Mission for week 4!
How About You?
Can you find a junk drawer, or bedside table, or kitchen cupboard that could use a little attention?
If you have a cluttered area that is constantly in your field of vision that would be a great place to start, as the clutter can subconsciously be draining your energy and making you irritated without you even realizing it.
If you can make one small space a tiny bit more beautiful it will have a big, positive impact!
In Summary
So to recap our Food For Thought weekly Mini Missions for September we had:
- Mindful Eating
- Being Mindful of Thinking Errors
- Being Mindful of What You are Consuming
- Being Mindful of Your Environment
And that is a wrap!
Being calm, mindful and ‘in the moment’ will serve you well in ALL areas of your life whether it be the food you are eating, the people you surround yourself with, your physical environment, or the thoughts in your head.
Hope you enjoyed going through these practices with me! 🙂
In Other News!
There is a new video up on my YouTube channel about the dangers of perfectionism and in it I talk about some of the traits associated with perfectionistic behaviour. Don’t forget to give me a ‘like’ and subscribe when you are there, thx!
Click HERE to watch!
There is more good stuff coming soon for October so stay tuned!