by | Sep 14, 2019 | living your most optimal life
Love the September dahlias! Hello my friend, are you enjoying September? The weather has changed here and we have had some pelting rain of late but I’m totally into it. I was done with that summer heat! With the boys back in school and this cooler air I feel...
by | Sep 9, 2019 | living your most optimal life
Back to school time = More structure = More calm = More Mindful Eating(Post workout sweaty selfie!) Week #1 Mini Mission It is September and I have some goodies for you! “Food For Thought” Mini Missions to be exact! Not sure what this is? Well it is about...
by | Sep 1, 2019 | living your most optimal life
We hit a BIG milestone in our household last week when my boys went off to ‘sleep away’ camp for the first time, and I am going to share with you what happened after they left and how ‘mind dementors’ got the best of me. (With a nod to J.K....
by | Jul 28, 2019 | living your most optimal life
The Ritchie Riot in Normandy, France! A few days ago we returned from a three week vacation to England and France, first visiting Steve’s family in the UK and then taking the ferry on to France. The trip in many ways felt like a dream come true and I describe...
by | Jun 23, 2019 | living your most optimal life
‘The ask’ got me here. I used to be the type of person who didn’t like to ask others for anything. I prided myself on my independence and the ability to handle whatever life threw at me. But over the years this has changed and I have become a great...