Sounds pretty good doesn’t it?
Momentum and fun is what I want my summer to be about…among other things! 🙂
Keeping my body moving, soaking in the Vitamin D, seeing new sights, enjoying the scent of my David Austin roses, taking frequent dips in the ocean, and enjoying some fresh from the ground food, like corn, basil and tomatoes.
I don’t know about you but for me April and May were FULL months on both the work and family fronts, and June looks to be shaping up that way too! However, we have a July vacation in our sights that will allow us to slow down as a family unit.
I hope you have booked off some time for yourself too – time to sip a cold drink on a patio, enjoy an out door musical festival, walks on the beach or through a vineyard- whatever turns your crank!
This summer I want to move my body more and to eat a little lighter, and the fun challenges I have been running over in the private Shine FaceBook group have helped me to do just that. (*And although the group is closed it is open to all women).
There is great power in groups peeps! And I would love for you to come and join us!
Even if posting comments on line aren’t your thing, reading and hearing about other women’s experiences is very empowering. And that public accountability is a BIG kick in the butt when you feel yourself dragging or losing hope.
Earlier today I jumped into the private Shine FaceBook group and did a ‘live’ stream (with the help of Will and Steve – Oliver wanted no part of it lol) to announce the winner of the May ‘Eliminator Challenge’.
About a dozen ladies in the FB Shine group, (including myself) started off May 1st with a goal of eliminating something; -alcohol, sugar, processed foods, making excuses for not exercising and instead getting their 10,000 steps in, eliminating eating after a certain time in the evening, stop being late for work / appointments etc…
There were some great goals set and 3 pass days were allowed (because – May long weekend).
My goal was eliminating processed foods and I was doing great until about the end of week three when my Mom dropped off a rhubarb pie…dang it Mom! Rhubarb pie is my kryptonite!
…and a few days after that I ‘bonked’ in a dressing room at The Bay department store after trying on 30 plus dresses trying to find a suitable one for my sister’s upcoming wedding. Too much coffee and not enough healthy snacks led me from the dressing room to a plate of Pad Thai at the mall food court. Lame-o! (*But I did get a dress so mission accomplished!)
This was followed by a few indulgences last weekend in Kelowna at my friend Sarah’s place. Loads of fun with the gals but I deviated from my ‘no processed’ foods goal. Ya gotta live a little when you are hanging with your high school buds right?!
So needless to say I did not make it until the end of the challenge.
BUT out of the dozen or so who started three amazing women completed it! And they had some tough goals too!
So I went ‘live’ in the Shine group today and Will picked the winner of the May ‘Eliminator Challenge’ – Monique!
Yay Monique!
Thanks to her efforts this past month Monique won a $50 Lululemon gift card! (I was shopping there a couple of weeks ago and boy do they have some nice things!).
I was not planning on doing a challenge for June, but given the great feedback I got from the Shine ladies on how they group helped them move towards and reach their goals, (and the group keeps me motivated and accountable too – which I love!) I have decided to run another one for June – starting Monday, June 3, 2019.
Tomorrow peeps!
I hope you join us!
If you aren’t in the Shine group already shoot me an email or message me on FB. Click HERE to get to my public page where we can ‘friend’ each other if we haven’t already.
Then pick a challenging goal for yourself that can be done daily.
You don’t want to make the goal too easy because you will be cheating yourself, it has to be a goal that pushes you, that when you complete it, shows that you are capable of more than you think you are.
June’s challenge will have 2 pass days to use at your discretion – because life happens!
My goal will be getting 10,000 steps in daily and not eating after 7pm at night. Woot!
OK its getting late – I hope you are having a fab June 1st weekend and I hope to see you in the Shine group for a big dose of fun and motivation!
Remember it all starts Monday!